API responseCode and resultCode Reference
Learn about responseCode and resultCodes returned by the API
When you make an API request, a responseCode
or resultCode
is returned in the response, depending on the endpoint. These codes can tell you whether the action was successful, and if not, can help you troubleshoot what went wrong with your request.
These codes don’t cover payment errors and return codes. See Payment Return Codes and Errors for codes relating to payments.
General codes
ResultCode | Name | Description | Solution |
1 | Request successful | The API request executed without errors | There’s nothing to do. |
2 | Request failed | The API request failed due to a processor decline | Check the response for the failure reason. |
3 | Request failed | The API request failed due to a technical error | Check the response for the failure reason. |
10 | Request initiated | An asynchronous process has started successfully. | There’s nothing to do. |
3000 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
3001 | Invalid entrypoint name | Entrypoint specified in parameter doesn’t exist | Correct the parameter and try again. |
3002 | Invalid Amount | Amount value is empty or negative | Provide a valid amount. |
3003 | Invalid parameter value in request | The value in parameter is incorrect | Provide the correct value for parameter. |
3004 | Invalid TimeZone value | The timezone value is invalid | Provide a value between -12 and +12. |
3005 | Invalid paypoint ID | The paypoint ID value is invalid | Provide a valid paypoint ID value. |
3006 | Invalid user status | The value provided is invalid | Provide a valid status value for user (either 0, 1, or 85). |
3007 | The transaction cannot be refunded | We can’t refund this transaction because it already has an associated chargeback or return. | There’s no solution for this, transactions with an associated chargeback or ACH return can’t be refunded. See Chargebacks and Returns Overview for more information. |
3012 | Invalid Amount | Amount value is greater than available amount for action | Provide a valid amount. |
3013 | Invalid Amount | Amount value is different to amount in invoices | Provide a valid amount. |
3200 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
3201 | Empty scope array for user | The scope specified for user is empty | Provide a valid scope for user. |
3202 | Empty access array for user | The access specified for user is empty | Provide a valid access array for user. |
3203 | Empty email address for user | The email specified for user is empty | Provide a valid email address for user. |
3204 | Duplicated email address | A user with this email address exists already | Provide a valid email address that isn’t used in Payabli yet. |
3205 | Invalid scope declared by requestToken | The scope provided is outside of the scope of the used API token in the request | Review the scope provided in request. The platform rules don’t allow scopes not included in the parent API token. |
3206 | Invalid access declared by requestToken | The access provided is outside of the access authorized of the API token used in the request | Review the access provided in request. The platform rules don’t allow access not included in the parent API token. |
3207 | Invalid email address | The email address is invalid | Review the value of the email address provided in request. The email address need to follow the format specified in RFC 881. |
3208 | Invalid phone number | The phone number is invalid | Review the value of the phone number provided in request. The phone number need to satisfy the regular expression "^[\+]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}$" Examples: - +1(786)111-2222 - 234.222.1234 - 111 222 2345 - 555-444-1111 |
3209 | Invalid country code | The country code is invalid | Review the value of the country code provided in the request. The country code must be in ISO-3166-1-Alpha 2 format. Refer to the ISO reference for help. |
3210 | Invalid mail country code | The mail country code is invalid | Review the value of the mail country code provided in the request. The country code must be in ISO-3166-1-Alpha 2 format. Refer to the ISO reference for help. |
3211 | Invalid start date | The start date value is invalid | Provide the value in one of accepted formats: YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY. |
3212 | Invalid billing table | Invalid billing table | The paypoint already has a billing table. Use the update endpoint or delete the current billing table. |
3400 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
3401 | Invalid Bill Number | Field BillNumber empty | Provide the BillNumber in the request. |
3402 | Duplicated Bill Number | The value provided in the field BillNumber already exists | Provide a different BillNumber in the request, or set the allowDuplicatedBills query parameter to true to bypass validation. |
3403 | Missing Vendor information | Vendor data missing from request | Provide the minimum required data for Vendor. |
3404 | Invalid Vendor Number | Field VendorNumber empty | Provide the required value in request. |
3405 | Missing frequency value | The required frequency for scheduled bill is empty | Provide the required frequency value in request:- onetime - weekly - every2weeks - every6months - monthly - every3months - annually |
3406 | Invalid frequency value | Frequency value for scheduled bill is invalid | Provide the required frequency value in request:- onetime - weekly - every2weeks - every6months - monthly - every3months - annually |
3407 | Invalid EndDate format | Date value empty or in an invalid format | Provide the date value in an accepted format: YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY. |
3408 | Invalid EndDate value | Date value can’t before or equal to today’s date | Provide a valid value for Date field. |
3409 | Vendor is Inactive | Can’t complete the action because the Vendor status is inactive | Update vendor status to active. See Vendor Status for help. |
3410 | Invalid Bill Id | The Bill identifier doesn’t exist or doesn’t have a valid status | Provide a valid bill identifier in the request. |
3411 | Invalid Bill status | Can’t complete the action because the Bill status is invalid | Verify the status of the bill before resubmitting the request. See Bills for statuses. |
3412 | Bill has associated payments | Can’t complete the action because the bill has associated payment records | Cancel the associated payments. |
3413 | Existing payment link for Id | A payment link already exists for the provided ID | Review the Payment link ID and try again. |
3414 | Invalid entrypoint | The entrypoint associated with the bill doesn’t exist | Verify the entrypoint to make sure it’s related to the bill. |
3415 | Invalid EntryPage | The EntryPage associated with the paypoint doesn’t exist | Verify the EntryPage related to the paypoint. |
3416 | Missing email | The vendor associated with the bill doesn’t have a valid email address | Verify the vendor’s email address isn’t empty and has a valid format. |
3417 | Invalid Invoice Id | The Invoice identifier doesn’t exist or doesn’t have a valid status | Provide a valid identifier value in the request. |
3418 | Invalid customer | The Invoice doesn’t have a valid customer associated with it | Review the customer associated with the invoice and try again. |
3419 | Invoice not available | The invoice status is not allowed with this action | Verify the status of the invoice before resubmitting the request. |
3420 | Duplicated Bill Number | The value provided in field BillNumber exists already within the Vendor | Provide a different BillNumber in the request, or set the allowDuplicatedBills query parameter to true to bypass validation. |
3421 | Invalid Vendor Id | The Vendor identifier doesn’t exist or doesn’t have a valid status | Provide a valid Vendor ID value in the request. |
3422 | Invalid Vendor Name | Field Name1 empty | Provide the required value in the request. |
3423 | Missing address field | Field address(1) empty | Provide the required value in the request. |
3424 | Missing address field | Field city in address empty | Provide the required value in the request. |
3425 | Missing address field | Field state in address empty | Provide the required value in the request. |
3426 | Missing address field | Field zip in address empty | Provide the required value in the request. |
3427 | Invalid EIN | Invalid value provided for EIN field | Provide the required value in the request using the of 9 digit format. |
3428 | Missing email | Vendor email address is required for virtual card (vCard) | Verify the that vendor’s email isn’t empty and has a valid format. |
3429 | Empty transaction list | List of transaction in input wasn’t provided | Verify that the list of transactions is provided in the request. |
3430 | Invalid Customer Id | The Customer identifier doesn’t exist or has invalid status | Verify the included customer’s information and try again. |
3431 | Empty approvals | Empty approvals | Provide the required value in the request. |
3432 | No attachments found | No attachments found | Provide the required attachments. |
3433 | Invalid orgId | Invalid orgId | Provide a valid organization ID. |
3434 | Invalid Level in request | Invalid Level | Provide a valid level for the entrypoint: 0 for partner, 2 for paypoint. |
3435 | Invalid Vendor Status | The vendor status is invalid. | Provide a valid vendor status: 0 for inactive, 1 for active, and -99 for deleted. |
3436 | Duplicated vendor under entry | Duplicated vendor under entry | The vendor already exists under the paypoint. |
3437 | Invalid Year value | The year value is invalid | Provide the value in the accepted format: YYYY. |
3438 | Invalid dates | The startDate cannot be greater than the endDate | Provide valid startDate and endDate parameters. |
3439 | Invalid parameters for custom mode | The custom mode must provide a valid startDate and endDate parameters | Provide valid startDate and endDate parameters when using the custom mode. |
3500 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
3501 | Invalid request | The search field is missing, null, or empty in the request | Provide a valid search field in the body request. |
3600 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
3601 | Invalid payment link Id | The provided payment link ID is invalid or inactive | Review the payment link ID and try again. |
3602 | Invalid invoice/bill | The provided payment link ID doesn’t have a valid invoice/bill associated | Review the payment link ID and try again. |
3603 | The entrypoint doesn’t exist | The provided payment link ID isn’t associated to a valid entrypoint | Review the payment link ID and try again. |
3604 | EntryPage doesn’t exist | The entrypoint doesn’t have a valid EntryPage | Verify that the entrypoint has a payment page created. Review the payment link ID and try again. |
3605 | Invalid vendorId or customerId | A customerId or a VendorId is required for a new vCard | Verify the request and provide the missing data. |
3614 | Subdomain doesn’t exist | The entrypoint doesn’t have a valid subdomain | Verify the entrypoint has a payment page created. Review the information in the request and try again. |
3700 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
3701 | Invalid application ID | Invalid application ID or doesn’t exists | Provide a valid application ID and try again. |
3702 | An error occurred while processing the request | An error occurred while processing the request | Try again later. If the error persists please contact your API provider. |
3703 | Duplicated Bank account | The bank account already exists | To update an existing bank account, use the edit endpoint. |
3704 | Invalid bank ID | Invalid bank ID | Provide a valid bank ID. |
3705 | Invalid routing number | Invalid routing number | Provide a valid routing number. |
3706 | Invalid account number | Invalid account number | Provide a valid account number. |
3707 | Invalid account type | Invalid account type | Provide a valid account type: Checking or Savings. |
3708 | Invalid bank account holder type | Invalid bank accountholder type | Provide a valid bank accountholder type: Personal or Business. |
3709 | Invalid bank account function | Invalid bank account function | Provide a valid bank account purpose: 0 : Deposit, 1 : Withdraw, 2 : Deposit/Withdraw |
3710 | Invalid bank name | Invalid bank name | Provide a valid bank name. |
3711 | Invalid account holder name | Invalid accountholder name | Provide a valid accountholder name. |
3712 | Billing ID not found | Billing ID not found | Provide a valid billing ID in the request. |
3713 | The entrypoint doesn’t have a billing table | The entrypoint doesn’t have a billing table | Create a billing table if required. |
3714 | Error with the billing request | There is an error with the billing request | Review the billing object for any missing or invalid field. |
3715 | Duplicated bank information | The combination of bank account number, routing number and function already exists | Verify the bank information or update the existing bank entity. |
3900 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
3901 | Empty Text field | The input field Text is empty | Provide a value in required field Text. |
3902 | Invalid color code provided in field darkColor | The hexadecimal HTML code provided is incorrect | Provide a correct HTML code value. Reference https://html-color.codes/ |
3903 | Invalid color code provided in field lightColor | The hexadecimal HTML code provided is incorrect | Provide a correct HTML code value. Reference https://html-color.codes/ |
3904 | Both color codes need to be provided in fields lightColor and darkColor | The hexadecimal HTML code provided is incorrect or the field is empty | Provide a correct HTML code value. Reference https://html-color.codes/ |
3905 | max length for Number field is 19 chars | The string length is greater than is allowed | Reduce the string length to a maximum of 19 characters. |
3906 | max length for Text field is 23 chars | The string length is greater than is allowed | Reduce the string length to a maximum of 23 characters. |
3907 | max length for Holder field is 30 chars | The string length is greater than is allowed | Reduce the string length to a maximum of 30 characters. |
3908 | max length for Holder1 field is 30 chars | The string length is greater than is allowed | Reduce the string length to a maximum of 30 characters. |
3909 | max length for ExpDate field is 8 chars | The string length is greater than is allowed | Reduce the string length to a maximum of 8 characters. |
3910 | max length for Cvv field is 4 chars | The string length is greater than is allowed | Reduce the string length to a maximum of 4 characters. |
3911 | Amount cannot be negative | A negative value isn’t accepted | Provide a positive value in the input field. |
3912 | Invalid Theme value provided | The theme name provided doesn’t exists | Provide a valid value in the input field. |
4000 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
4001 | Invalid Xchange AccountId | Invalid Xchange AccountId | Provide a valid Xchange AccountId. |
4002 | Invalid User account | Invalid User account | Either the user doesn’t exist or there is a problem with their token. |
4003 | Model cannot be null | Model can’t be null | The entry model is null. Review and try again. |
4004 | The Server field cannot be null or empty | The Server field can’t be void or empty | Review the Server field and try again. |
4005 | The UserId field cannot be null or empty | The UserId field can’t be void or empty | Review the UserId field and try again. |
4006 | The RemotePathIn field cannot be null or empty | The RemotePathIn field can’t be void or empty | Review RemotePathIn fields and try again. |
4007 | The RemotePathOut field cannot be null or empty | The RemotePathOut field can’t be void or empty | Review the RemotePathOut field and try again. |
4008 | The Schedule field cannot be null or empty | The Schedule field can’t be void or empty | Review the Schedule field and try again. |
4009 | The LastCheck field cannot be less than the actual date | The LastCheck field can’t be less than the actual date | Review the LastCheck field and try again |
4010 | The EntryName field cannot be null or empty | The EntryName field can’t be null or empty | Review the EntryName field and try again. |
4011 | The OrgType field cannot be null or empty | The OrgType field can’t be void or empty | Review the OrgType field and try again. |
4012 | The Orgid field cannot be null or 0 | The Orgid field can’t be null or 0 | Review the Orgid field and try again. |
4013 | The Mode field cannot be null | The Mode field can’t be void or empty | Review the Userid field and try again. |
4014 | The Channel field cannot be null or 0 | The Channel field can’t be null or 0 | Review the Channel field and try again. |
4015 | The content of the PKey field isn’t Base64 encoded | The content of the PKey field isn’t Base64-encoded | Review the PKey field and try again. |
4016 | The Organization/Paypoint has no associated token | The organization or paypoint has no associated token | Review the request data and try again. |
4017 | The data wasn’t saved in the Payabli database | The data wasn’t saved in the Payabli database | An error occurred while saving the data to the database. Contact the support team. |
4018 | Invalid Xchange Account | Invalid Xchange account | Provide a valid Xchange account and try again. |
4019 | The user isn’t related to the organization | The user isn’t related to the organization | The user isn’t related to the organization. |
4020 | The configuration isn’t related to the xchange account organization | The configuration isn’t related to the Xchange account organization | The configuration isn’t related to the Xchange account organization. |
4021 | The Type field cannot be null or different from IP, Card or PayorId | The Type field must be IP , Card or PayorId and can’t be null. | Review the Type field and try again. |
4022 | At least one of these fields is required: Content, FraudHistoryId, or TransId | At least one of these fields is required: Content , FraudHistoryId , or TransId | Review the request and try again. |
4023 | The service cannot be deleted | The service cannot be deleted, because there are still transactions that haven’t settled yet | Wait until all transactions are marked as settled, then delete the service. |
4024 | The service cannot be updated | The service cannot be updated, because there are still transactions that haven’t settled yet | Wait until all transactions are marked as settled, then update the service. |
4025 | Purposes cannot be null | Purposes is null | Purposes can’t be null. Review and try again. |
4026 | The keyword cannot be repeated | A keyword is repeated | Keywords can’t be repeated. Review and try again. |
4027 | Empty input file | The input file is empty | The input file can’t be empty. Review and try again. |
4028 | Empty file content | Empty file content | The file has no content. Review and try again. |
4029 | The size of the PKey File is not allowed | The size of the PKey File is not allowed | The size of the PKey File is not allowed. Review and try again. |
4030 | PKey File does not have the allowed format | PKey File does not have the allowed format | PKey File does not have the allowed format. Review and try again. |
4031 | The password and key file cannot be empty, at least one is required | The password and key file cannot be empty, at least one is required | The password and key file cannot be empty, at least one is required. Review and try again. |
5000 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
5005 | Invalid Service Fee value | Provided service fee value is lesser than value agreed | Review the service fee value provided in the request and try again. See Pass-Through Fees for more information on how fees work. |
5006 | Invalid Service Fee value | Provided service fee value is greater than value agreed | Review the service fee value provided in the request and try again. See Pass-Through Fees for more information on how fees work. |
5009 | Invalid stored method relationship | The storedMethodId provided isn’t associated with the customer provided. | Review values to make sure the stored method belongs to the specified customer, and try again. See Tokenization for more information on stored methods. |
5010 | Invalid chargeback ID | The provided chargeback identifier does not exists in the platform. | Review the value of the chargeback identifier and try again. |
5011 | Invalid chargeback status | The chargeback status provided is not allowed | Review the value of the chargeback status and try again. |
6000 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
6000 | Opt-in process is already pending for this customer | An opt-in request has already been sent to this customer | The customer must complete the opt-in process. |
6001 | SMS configuration is missing | SMS sending isn’t configured | Contact Payabli Support to enable this feature. |
6002 | The request has failed because the user hasn’t consented to communications | The recipient hasn’t opted-in to receiving SMS communications | The customer must complete the opt-in process |
6003 | Invalid customer ID | The provided customer identifier doesn’t exist or doesn’t have a valid status | Provide a correct identifier value in the request. |
6004 | Missing or invalid phone number | Phone number is required for customer consent request | Verify that the customer’s phone number isn’t empty and has a valid format. |
6005 | Invalid payment link type | Invalid payment link type | Payment link must be for an invoice. |
6006 | Missing or invalid phone number | Phone number is required to send a payment link | Verify that the customer’s phone number isn’t empty and has a valid format |
6007 | Missing or invalid email address | Email address is required to send a payment link | Verify that the customer’s email isn’t empty and has a valid format |
6008 | Invalid additional email addresses | One or more of the additional email addresses aren’t valid | Verify that the additional email addresses aren’t empty and has a valid format |
6009 | Invalid channel | Invalid communication channel value | Verify that the communication channel is one of the valid options: sms or email |
6010 | Invalid invoice | The provided payment link ID doesn’t have a valid invoice associated | Verify that the invoice exists and has a valid status |
6101 | Invalid domain ID | The provided domain ID is invalid. | Verify that the domain ID is correct and try again. |
6103 | Failed to cascade the domain | An error occurred while cascading the domain. | Try cascading the domain again later. |
6201 | No card service found for this paypoint | Card service is required to enable Apple Pay. | Contact Payabli for help. |
6202 | Cascading is not supported for this entity type. | Cascading domains is allowed only for the domains owned by organizations. | Use a domain owned by an organization. |
6202 | Card services are disabled for this paypoint | Card services should be enabled to use Apple Pay. | Contact Payabli for help. |
6203 | No card gateway found for this paypoint | Card gateway is required to enable Apple Pay. | Contact Payabli for help. |
6204 | Invalid card credentials for this paypoint | Card credentials are required to enable Apple Pay. | Contact Payabli for help. |
6205 | Apple Pay configuration update in progress for this organization | There is an ApplePay configuration update in progress for this organization. | Wait for the update to finish and try again. |
6206 | Failed to cascade organization updates | An error occurred while cascading the organization updates. | Try again later. |
7000 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
7001 | Invalid transaction ID | The provided transaction identifier doesn’t exist in the platform | Review the value of the transaction ID and try again. |
7002 | Invalid transaction status | The status of the transaction doesn’t allow the action requested. | Verify the status of the transaction. For Void, Cancel, or Reverse the valid statuses are 1 and 11, for Refund the valid status is 1. Learn more about Transaction Statuses |
7003 | Invalid payment method | Stored payment methods can’t be validated. | Change the payment method or remove the reference to a stored payment method in the request. |
7004 | Invalid payment method | Provided payment method can’t be executed. | Try a different payment method. |
7005 | Missing card number | Field cardnumber in payment method object is empty | Provide a valid card number in payment method object. |
7006 | Missing payment method | The payment method object is empty | Provide valid data in payment method object. |
7007 | Invalid payment method | Stored payment method provided doesn’t exist | Provide valid data in payment method object. |
7008 | Missing payment details | The payment detail object is empty | Provide a valid data in payment detail object. |
7009 | Invalid currency code | Currency code provided is invalid | Provide a valid ISO 4217 currency code. |
7010 | Invalid card expiration date | The expiration date provided is invalid | Review the expiration date. Accepted formats are MM/YY and MMYY. |
7011 | Invalid payment method | No payment instrument was provided in request | Review the payment method object for any missing data. If the payment method is card, then either a cardNumber or storedMethodId are missing. If the payment method is ACH, then either achRouting or storedMethodId are missing or invalid. |
7012 | Invalid payment method | Missing account or card holder in request | Review the payment method object for any missing data. |
7013 | Invalid payment method | Missing bank account number in request | Review the payment method object for any missing data. |
7014 | Invalid payment method | Invalid bank account type in request | Review the payment method object for invalid data. Accepted values for bank account type are: SAVINGS or CHECKING |
7015 | Invalid payment method | missing achholder or checknumber in check payment method | Review the payment method object and payment detail object for any missing data. |
7015 | Invalid card number | Invalid card number provided. | Provide a valid card number in payment method object. |
7016 | Invalid CVV number | Invalid CVV number provided. | Provide a valid CVV number in payment method object. |
7017 | Invalid payment method | Missing device identifier in paymentMethod object | Review the payment method object for any missing data. |
7018 | Invalid payment method | Invalid device identifier in paymentMethod object | Review the payment method object for any missing data. |
7019 | Invalid payment method | Stored payment method provided and customer don’t match | Provide the correct customerId linked to the stored payment method provided. |
7020 | Error in customer data | Something is wrong with the customer data | Review customer object for missing or invalid fields. |
7021 | Invalid invoice number | Customer associated to payment doesn’t match with referenced invoice | Review customer object and invoice data provided in request. |
7022 | Invalid invoice action | Trying to pay a scheduled Invoice | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7023 | Invalid invoice action | Trying to pay an invoice with an invalid status | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7024 | Invalid invoice action | Trying to pay an invoice with zero or negative amount | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7025 | Invalid invoice action | Trying to overpay an invoice | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7026 | Invalid invoice number | Vendor associated to payment doesn’t match with referenced invoice | Review vendor object and invoice data provided in request. |
7027 | Invalid card expiration date | The expiration date provided is invalid- minimum accepted is 3 months | Review the expiration date. The value must be in MM/DD/YY format. |
7028 | Invalid card expiration date | The expiration date provided is invalid- maximum accepted is 2 years and 363 days | Review the expiration date. The value must be in MM/DD/YY format. |
7029 | Invalid MCC value provided | The MCC value is invalid | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7030 | Invalid TCC value provided | The TCC value is invalid | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7031 | Invalid expense limit provided | The expense limit value is invalid | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7032 | Invalid expense limit period provided | The expense limit period value is invalid | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7033 | Invalid cardtoken provided | The cardtoken value is invalid | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7034 | Invalid cardtoken provided | The vCard is cancelled | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7035 | Invalid customer ID | Invalid customer ID | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
7036 | Invalid payment method | Missing bank account holder or check number in request | Review the payment method object for any missing data. |
7037 | Invalid transaction status | The current status of transaction doesn’t allow requested action | Review status of transaction before submitting the request. Payabli doesn’t accept void action for funded payments or payments with funding in transit. Refunds can’t be performed for unsettled payments. Learn more about voids and refunds. |
7038 | Invalid stored method type | Provided stored method isn’t supported by the paypoint | A Universal tokenized method was provided in the request, but the target paypoint doesn’t support it. Try a different payment method. |
7039 | Invalid stored method type | Provided stored method isn’t supported by the paypoint | A Network tokenized method was provided in the request, but the target paypoint doesn’t support it. Try a different payment method. |
7040 | This type of stored method cannot be used with this paypoint | Review the payment method object. Only universal tokens and network tokens can be used at a payment point other than the one they belong to. | Try a different payment method. |
7041 | Tokenization provider of stored method is incompatible with processor in paypoint | Review the payment method object. The tokenization provider for needs to be the same or be compatible with payment provider | Try a different payment method. |
8000 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
8001 | Invalid Token in request | Provided token is in use under different service | Remove provided token from other services before executing the action. |
8002 | Invalid parameter in request | Requested component type requires a valid subType | Provide a valid subType in request. |
8003 | File system service is not available | The server is not ready to handle the request | Please try again, if the error persists contact your administrator. |
8012 | Invalid amount | Invalid amount value provided for action | Review amount provided. Transactions with split funding instructions don’t allow partial capture. |
8013 | Invalid split funding instructions | Missing or invalid split instructions provided for action | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review amounts and recipients. |
8014 | Invalid split funding instructions | Invalid Amount in split instruction. Amount provided greater than balance in split | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review amounts and recipients. |
8016 | Invalid split funding instructions | Invalid Amount in split instruction. Amount provided cannot be negative | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review amounts and recipients. |
8015 | Invalid split funding instructions | Invalid Amount in split instruction. Amount provided is different to sum of amounts in split instructions | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review amounts and recipients. |
8082 | Invalid split funding instructions | Empty recipient value in split funding instructions | Review the instructions provided for the action. Make sure all recipients for the split are provided. |
8083 | Invalid split funding instructions | Provided recipient value in split funding instructions is outside of scope of the origination. | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review all the recipients for split are in the same level under the same parent organization. |
8084 | Invalid split funding instructions | Invalid Amount in split instruction. Amount provided cannot be negative or zero | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review amounts and recipients. |
8086 | Invalid split funding instructions | Provided recipient does not have a configured funding account | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review the recipients. |
8088 | Invalid split funding instructions | Origination for split need to be included in split instructions | Review the instructions provided for the action. Review the recipients. |
8099 | Invalid split funding instructions | Origination entry point does not have split funding capability enabled | Contact Support to have split funding enabled. |
9000 codes
ResponseCode | Name | Description | Solution |
9001 | Invalid Authorization Token | Token in input doesn’t have access to Entity in scope or Token isn’t allowed to execute requested action. | Use the authorized API token for the request. Review the reference to the entity in request parameter (entry name, paypoint ID, organization ID, signing) is correct and is within the token scope. |
9002 | Unauthorized Token | User or Customer entity doesn’t have permission to the requested action. | Verify permissions assigned to the user or customer. |
9003 | Unauthorized Token | Token type or origin IP address aren’t accepted by action | Use the correct API token for action. For web components the token type is different of the direct API token. Verify if your token has IP restriction. See Authentication for more information on token types and restrictions. |
9004 | Inactive Paypoint | The paypoint isn’t active in the platform. | Reach out to the support team to clarify the status of your paypoint. |
9005 | Blocked by Fraud Control | The card or the origin IP of request is blacklisted in the platform | Reach out to the support team to clarify the status of your paypoint. |
9006 | Unauthorized Token | Expected Validation code is missing or invalid | Use the correct validation code for action. Verify value provided in CAPTCHA for payment pages. |
9007 | Invalid entryId | The provided entry ID is invalid | Review the data provided in request and try again. |
9008 | Invalid orgId parameter | Invalid orgId parameter | Provide a valid orgId parameter. |
9009 | Invalid entry point name | Invalid entrypoint name | Review the entry point name in the request and try again. |
9010 | Invalid Fraud History Id | Invalid Fraud History ID | Provide a valid ID parameter. |
9011 | Unauthorized Token | Domain Origin not in scope | Review your domain restrictions to see the domain originating the request is included in scope. |
9012 | Invalid Fraud Blacklist Id | Invalid Fraud Blacklist ID | Invalid Fraud Blacklist ID. |
9013 | Invalid Tier Id | Invalid Tier Id | Provide a valid ID parameter. |
9014 | Invalid Tier Name | Invalid Tier Name | Provide a valid Name parameter. |
9051 | Fraud alert | A velocity fraud alert condition was triggered | Verify your request and fraud limits with the Support team. |
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