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Pay In
When saving a payment method with an embedded component or the API, you may get a success response that returns a method without it saving to the customer’s profile. This typically happens because the API or embedded component was configured to create a temporary token.
To fix this, configure the request or component to return permanent tokens:
For tokenization API requests: Set the
query parameter tofalse
. See this guide for more. -
For embedded components: In the component configuration, set
. See the configuration references for EmbeddedMethod UI and PayMethod UI for more.
When configuring the PayMethod UI embedded component, or saving a payment method via the API, setting temporary
or temporaryToken
to true
creates a temporary, one-time-use token for the payment method. The token expires in 12 hours.
Payabli supports pass-through fees. Because pass-through fees cover the standard processing cost for the original transaction, they aren’t returned when a merchant issues a full or partial refund to customers. If a transaction with a pass-through fee is voided before settlement, the fee is canceled too.
Letting customers know at time of transaction that the fee is non-refundable helps minimize disputes.
When you cancel a transaction by voiding it before the batch closes or refunding it, you may incur processing costs for the cancellation.
For voids, there are authorization costs for the original transaction, but there is no extra cost to make a void. Voids cancel the transaction before it’s processed, so a voided transaction doesn’t incur interchange costs.
You can only refund a transaction after it’s been processed, so the original transaction incurs authorization costs and interchange costs. A refund is a second transaction, so there is an additional authorization cost for the refund itself. The original transaction’s costs aren’t refunded to the merchant.
If you have questions about your interchange and authorization costs, reach out to support.
When an ACH payment is declined and you get the “consumer verification negative” message, it’s because either:
- The customer entered their account information incorrectly and caused an earlier ACH return. Have the customer check their account information and try again. If the issue persists, try a different payment method.
- The account number entered is flagged as a risk because of earlier ACH returns, and the transaction has been declined. In this case, the customer must use a different payment method.
An expired card decline can occur in two scenarios:
- The card issuer has determined the card is expired. Sometimes a card that has been reported lost or stolen is marked by the bank as expired. In this case, the customer must provide a new card number.
- When using a tokenized card number, if the original card associated with the token has expired, even if you provide a valid expiration date in the request.
If you receive this error when using a tokenized card, you need a new card number from the customer to create a new token. For more details on card response codes, see Payment Response Codes and Errors.
A Check Truncation Entry Return (return code R11) occurs when an electronically processed check payment is returned unpaid. This can happen due to various reasons such as insufficient funds, invalid account numbers, or suspected fraudulent activity. When this occurs, the electronic image of the check couldn’t be processed successfully through the ACH network.
For more information about ACH disputes and returns, see ACH disputes.
Some banks require pre-authorization for ACH transactions. To ensure smooth processing and prevent ACH returns due to authorization issues, we recommend the following steps:
- Recommend that your customer authorize ACH transactions with their bank in advance.
- Provide the customer with the ACH ID and descriptor: 1841393599 / WFMSPROPAY to give to their bank for allowlisting.
Pre-authorization is not always required, it depends on the customer’s bank. For more information about different types of ACH returns, see the ACH Return Codes Reference.
When a payor initiates a stop payment on an ACH transaction, the funds are never collected from their account. This is reflected in Payabli’s system through the following process:
- The transaction is initially recorded in a batch (for example, ‘batch_combined’)
- When the stop payment is processed, it appears as a return in Payabli.
- The return is then reconciled through a corresponding return batch (for example, ‘batch_combined_return’)
To verify a stop payment:
- Check the transaction status for the return indication
- Review the batch reconciliation records for both the initial transaction and return entries
For more information about ACH returns and disputes, see Payment Disputes.
Payabli supports the following credit card brands:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Discover
- Diners Club
If you have questions about specific card types or brands, reach out to Payabli Support.
The PAX terminal’s contactless payment feature requires specific card placement for successful transactions:
- Hold the card at the end of the device where the contactless logo is located (not on the face of the device).
- Keep the card steady and held in place until you hear a beep.
If the contactless payment continues to decline, we recommend completing the transaction by either inserting the chip or swiping the card instead. The PAX terminal’s contactless reader can be sensitive and may not always successfully read contactless cards even when properly positioned. This is a known hardware limitation. The PAX doesn’t support contactless payments with Diners Club cards, they must be inserted.
Pay Out
If a vendor doesn’t process their vCard payment within a reasonable period, Payabli’s system may automatically reissue the payment as a check. In that case, the payment status shows as IN TRANSIT when the check has been issued and mailed, indicating that it has been sent but not yet deposited by the vendor. You can track the status of these payments in Money Out Statuses.
If you need to verify the delivery status of a check payment, contact Payabli support with the check number and date issued.
If you’re using managed payables and a vendor needs to update their bank account information for receiving ACH payment, reach out to Payabli support. The Support team helps coordinate authorizing the bank change with the vendor.
For security purposes, the vendor must complete a new ACH/Direct Deposit enrollment form.
If the vendor has relationships with multiple paypoints or organizations, include the vendor ID for all associated paypoints. This makes sure that the vendor’s bank account information is updated across all relevant paypoints and organizations.
You don’t need to create a new vendor record to update a bank account.
Existing vendor names can’t be modified in Payabli. To change a vendor’s name:
- Create a new vendor record with the business name and details using the Vendor API or vendor management in the UI.
- Submit new payments under the business vendor record.
- The vendor will go through the payment enablement process for the new business record.
The original vendor record remains in the system, but is inactive. Each vendor record must have its own banking information and vendor ID.
When a vendor indicates that a payment is not needed (for example, if an invoice was already paid), payables agents may initiate a cancellation without requiring a client request. This process works as follows:
- Payables agents verify with the vendor that the payment is not needed.
- The agent cancels the payment and processes a refund.
- A notification is automatically sent to let you know about the cancellation and the system updates to reflect cancelled status.
Although merchants can initiate cancellations themselves, payables agents are authorized to process cancellations proactively to avoid holding funds for unnecessary payments. This helps prevent duplicate payments and ensures efficient fund management.
If a vendor reports that they haven’t received payment despite being issued a vCard, follow these steps:
- First, verify the vCard was issued by checking the payment status in your Payabli dashboard or via the API.
- If the vCard is issued but not processed, contact Payabli Support to initiate a Representative Assisted Payment (RAP) process.
- A payment specialist wil; contact the vendor directly to assist with processing the vCard payment.
For faster processing, vendors may need to be contacted by phone rather than email to authorize vCard charges.
When you need to cancel and reissue a check payment issued via managed payables, the process involves several steps:
- Request a stop payment on the original check by emailing
- The payables team confirms the stop payment with check’s issuing bank.
- Once confirmed, the payables team reissues a new check as requested.
Important notes:
- A stop payment notice will be issued indicating the check should not be presented at any financial institution.
- Any attempt to cash or deposit the original check may result in returned check fees.
- Check copies are only available for checks that have been deposited.
- All relevant parties should be notified that the original check should be destroyed.
You can track the status of your payout transaction through various stages in the Money Out Statuses documentation.
If you’re using managed payables and a vendor needs to update their bank account information for receiving ACH payment, reach out to Payabli support. The Support team helps coordinate authorizing the bank change with the vendor.
For security purposes, the vendor must complete a new ACH/Direct Deposit enrollment form.
If the vendor has relationships with multiple paypoints or organizations, include the vendor ID for all associated paypoints. This makes sure that the vendor’s bank account information is updated across all relevant paypoints and organizations.
You don’t need to create a new vendor record to update a bank account.
Existing vendor names can’t be modified in Payabli. To change a vendor’s name:
- Create a new vendor record with the business name and details using the Vendor API or vendor management in the UI.
- Submit new payments under the business vendor record.
- The vendor will go through the payment enablement process for the new business record.
The original vendor record remains in the system, but is inactive. Each vendor record must have its own banking information and vendor ID.
Pay Ops
Sometimes, you may notice that a paypoint’s status is listed as “Inactive”, while the corresponding boarding application status is “Activated”. This typically happens when the paypoint is still being configured by the Payabli team.
When a boarding application is approved and converted to a paypoint, there are several steps that the Payabli team takes behind-the-scenes to get the paypoint set up and ready to accept payments. Because of this configuration step, there can be a delay between the “Activated” boarding status and the paypoint’s status being updated to “Active”.
When the paypoint is ready to process transactions, the boarding status is “Activated” and the paypoint status is “Active”. After the paypoint has successfully processed a transaction, the boarding status is updated to “Live”.
If a paypoint was active before, an Inactive status means that it’s no longer able to take payments but can still receive chargebacks and returns.
See Paypoint statuses and boarding statuses for more information.
A Check Truncation Entry Return (return code R11) occurs when an electronically processed check payment is returned unpaid. This can happen due to various reasons such as insufficient funds, invalid account numbers, or suspected fraudulent activity. When this occurs, the electronic image of the check couldn’t be processed successfully through the ACH network.
For more information about ACH disputes and returns, see ACH disputes.
A Payabli Service Payment charge on your statement can represent various transaction types, including chargebacks. When you see such a charge, it could be due to:
- A chargeback from a customer transaction
- Amounts owed back, due to ACH returns or refunds
- Associated processing fees
To identify the specific nature of the charge, you can:
- Note the exact amount and date of the charge.
- Contact Payabli support with the transaction details.
- Request the batch information if applicable.
For more information about how chargebacks work and their impact on your account, see the Payment Disputes guide.
At this time, you can’t change the settlement deposit descriptors shown on your bank statement. Your settlement deposit descriptor shows up on your bank statement as “PAYABLI DEPOSIT”, but may also include alphanumeric characters before and after that text. For example, “PP* PAYABLI DEPOSIT”, “PAY-IN PAYABLI DEPOSIT”, “PAYABLI DEPOSIT- 987654321”.
However, you can change the descriptor that shows up on customer cardholder statements. To make this change, contact Payabli Support. The text must indicate the name or DBA name of the business. If your business legal name changes, contact Payabli Support.”
If you notice discrepancies between a merchant’s bank statements and Payabli’s batch reports, you can take the following steps to investigate and resolve:
- Review the specific batch, including all transactions associated with the batch.
- Gather supporting documentation, like merchant bank statements and Payabli transaction and batch reports.
- Contact Payabli Support with these details for investigation.
Payabli’s support team will review the transactions and verify all charges and refunds, identify any missing or incorrect transactions, resolve any reconciliation errors if confirmed.
A disabled debit fund notification indicates that debit actions to your paypoint’s ledger have been automatically disabled. This notification is triggered when a paypoint exceeds its configured volume limits (maximum per transaction or maximum monthly volume).
When this occurs:
- The system automatically disables debit actions to the paypoint’s ledger
- This triggers a manual review by the Risk team
- Once limits are reviewed and potentially increased, transfers will be reprocessed
Note that this is different from transactions being put on hold by the Risk team. Held transactions appear under the ‘Held’ amount in your dashboard, while a disabled debit fund affects ledger operations.
A paypoint’s maxiumum transaction amount and monthly volume limits are configured during the initial merchant onboarding process and can be updated throughout the lifecycle of your paypoint.
There’s no self-service way to view your paypoint limits in the Payabli dashboard. If you need to know your current limits or request an increase, please contact Payabli support.
When you exceed these limits, you may receive a disabled debit fund notification and transfers will require manual review by the Risk team before processing.
For security reasons, you may be blocked when you try to access Payabli from some countries outside of the U.S. You will get an error that says “Connection denied by Geolocation Setting”. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to connect. Contact Payabli support if you need access to a VPN solution.
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