Use these guides to learn about using Payabli as a partner or a merchant
These user guides walk you through using Payabli as a partner or a paypoint, and include general information and guides for completing tasks in PartnerHub and PayHub.
Be sure to check out educational guides in Overview Guides to learn about general payments concepts.
Pay In guides
Payabli’s Pay In features cover getting money in to your bank account. This starts with running sales transactions for your customers whether online, card-present, via subscriptions or one-time payments.
Payabli’s Pay In capabilities include:
- Making sale transactions: either card-present with a device, via the API, embedded components, hosted payment pages, or via payment links.
- Making recurring or scheduled transactions.
- Saving payment methods for future use. This is also called “tokenization”.
- Invoicing customers to request payments.
Pay Out guides
Payabli’s Pay Out features cover getting your payables out of your bank and to your vendors.
Payabli’s Pay Out capabilities include:
- Managed payables to make frictionless and secure payments to your vendors.
- Billing engine to centralize your pay-out tasks in Payabli to track, manage, and monetize payments to vendors.
Pay Ops guides
Payabli’s Pay Ops features cover managing your payment operations.
Payabli’s Pay Ops capabilities include:
- Merchant boarding
- Robust reporting and notifications
- Organization, paypoint, user, customer, and vendor management (known as entities in Payabli)
- Managing disputes and compliance
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