For security and fraud prevention, Payabli applies two different kinds of rate limits: request limits, and transaction limits (also known as fraud controls).

Payabli reserves the right to alter rate limited in case of security concerns, and will communicate changes to impacted accounts.

Request limits

Payabli has request velocity limits in place to give optimal system performance, security, and fair usage. Request limits govern the number of requests a single API token can make to endpoints in a given period. Reach out to the Payabli team if you have a use case that requires limit changes.

Number of requestsPeriod
300015 Minutes

Fraud controls

Fraud controls, also known as transaction limits, dictate the number of declines and transactions a paypoint may process within a specified period.

Reach out to the Payabli team to customize transaction limits for individual paypoints.

DescriptionDefault Limit
Max number of declines per card, hourly3
Max number of declines per IP address, hourly3
Max declines per paypoint, hourly10
Max declines per payor, hourly3
Max transactions per paypoint in 15 minutes250
Max transactions per card hourly10