Payabli allows you to route funds from a transaction to a specific bank account for the paypoint. This option only works with a single paypoint that’s running the transaction, and can’t be used to distribute funds to accounts that belong to other paypoints.


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After a paypoint is onboarded, the Payabli team configures the merchant’s bank accounts. Payabli can add as many separate accounts as you need, and each account has an accountId.

Retrieve accountId

You can retrieve accountId values for all a Paypoint’s accounts by sending a GET request to the /Paypoint endpoint. They’re returned in objects in the Credentials array.

Routing transactions

When there is more than one account set up for a payment method, you must pass an accountId with the transaction. For example, if you have Account A and Account B set up for card transactions, each transaction must include an accountId for either Account A or Account B.

In these examples, Account A has an accountId of 187-798, and Account B has an accountId of 187-799.

If a paypoint is set up with multiple accounts and you don’t include an accountId with a transaction, you’ll get a “Multiple Gateway Data for payment method” error:

Example error response
    "responseText": "Declined",
    "isSuccess": false,
    "responseData": {
        "authCode": null,
        "referenceId": null,
        "resultCode": 3,
        "resultText": "Multiple Gateway Data for payment method",
        "avsResponseText": null,
        "cvvResponseText": null,
        "customerId": null,
        "methodReferenceId": null