Fund Routing Overview
Learn your options for sending Pay In funds into different accounts.
If you are in an industry that prohibits co-mingling of funds, or if your business prefers separate bank accounts for separate accounting, Payabli can help. Instead of the burden of maintaining separate software integrations for each bank account, Payabli offers two options for routing funds to meet your needs:
- Split funding functionality allows you to split the funds from a transaction and deposit them into multiple bank accounts or to bank accounts of different paypoints.
- Route funds from a transaction into a specific bank account of the paypoint.
The routing options may look similar, but they have some important differences.
For example, you want to accept payment from a customer for three different services and deposit the funds in three different accounts.
- Split funding allows you to run one transaction and split the funds three ways, one for each service, into bank accounts of different paypoints or to three bank accounts of the same paypoint.
- The other option is to run three different transactions (one for each service) on the same paypoint, and route the funds from each transaction into a specific bank account of that paypoint.
Get started
When you’ve decided what option works best for your needs, check out the guides for each routing option:
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