Money in transaction status

Transaction status, also referred to as payment status, is returned as TransStatus when you query a money in transaction. For example, the value "TransStatus": 1 means that the transaction has been approved or captured.

Authorized11The transaction is authorized.
Approved/ Captured1The transaction has been approved or captured.
Declined (processor declined)2The processor declined the transaction.
Declined (technical decline due to an error)3The transaction was declined due to an error.
Voided/ Canceled5The transaction has been voided or otherwise canceled.
Failed/ Error-1, 0There was an error or failure.
Initiated10The transaction has been initiated but hasn’t been declined or approved yet.

Payment funding status

The payment funding status describes where in the settlement process a transaction is. This status is returned as SettlementStatus when you query a transaction. For example, the value "SettlementStatus":1 means the funding is in transit.

Pending0The batch this transaction is in is still open.
In Transit1The batch this transaction is in is closed, and is being routed to the banks.
Transferred2The funds are being transferred to the merchant’s bank account.
Funded (settled)3The funds are in the merchant’s bank account.
Exception-1There was an error in the transfer.
ACH Return or Chargebacks-2The transaction has a chargeback or ACH return.
Held-5Funding is being held because of fraud or risk concerns.
Released-6The transaction has been released after a risk review.

Batch status

Batches, also called payment groups, are collections of transactions gathered together to be processed at one time. Transactions can be captured or cancelled in a batch while the status is Open. When the status moves to Closed, the batch begins processing, and transactions can’t be cancelled or added to the batch.

Batch status is returned as BatchStatus when you query a batch. For example, the value "BatchStatus": 3 means that the batch has been funded.

Open0Batch is open and can still be modified.
Closed1Batch has been closed and can’t be modified further. It’s been transmitted for processing.
Held-5Batch funding is on hold because of fraud or risk concerns.
Transferred2The funds are being transferred to the merchant’s bank account.
Funded (batch settled)3Batch funds are available in the merchant bank account.
Resolved4The batch has been manually resolved.

Transfer status

Transfer status is the status of a payment to the merchant. Successful transactions are batched, and when those funds have been collected, Payabli transfers that amount to the merchants bank.

This status is returned as TransferStatus when you query a batch. For example, the value "TransferStatus":1 means the transfer is in transit.

Pending0Funds have been collected and the transfer to the merchant’s bank account is pending. This can be due to weekends or bank holidays. The batch is still open.
In Transit1The batch is closed and the funds and transactions are being verified. At this point, transactions can still be returned or ACH transactions can get NSF responses.
Transferred2The final batch detail is complete and the funds are being transferred to the merchant’s account.
Funded (transfer settled)3The funds have been deposited in the merchant’s bank account.
Resolved4The transfer has been manually resolved.
Exception-1There was an error in the transfer.
Pending by balance-2The merchant doesn’t have enough funds in their virtual account to transfer to the merchant’s bank account. The transfer remains pending until the merchant has a sufficient balance to execute.
ACH Return (Merchant Deposit)-4There was an issue depositing the funds in the merchant’s account.

Invoice status

This status is returned as invoiceStatus when your query involves an invoice. For example, the value "invoiceStatus": 1 means that the invoice is open.

Draft0The invoice is in draft format and hasn’t been sent yet.
Active/ Open1The invoice is created but hasn’t been paid yet.
Partially Paid2The invoice has been partially paid.
Paid/ Complete4The invoice has been paid and is complete.
Canceled99The invoice has been canceled.

Subscription status

When you query a subscription via the API, the status is returned in the body as SubStatus.

Status codeDescription
0Subscription paused
1Subscription active