Use these test cards and accounts to simulate transactions in your sandbox. You can use these cards and accounts to make test transactions via the API or any of Payabli’s hosted payment solutions, like the virtual terminal or payment pages.

Simulate a successful transaction

Use these test cards and accounts for transactions in sandbox.


Use these with any future expiration date.

Payment MethodTest DataCVV
MasterCard BIN 22223000048400011998
American Express374101000000608 or 3714496353923769997
Diner’s Club36256000000725123


Payment MethodTest Data
account (ACH)123123123
routing (ACH)Any real routing number, such as 102103407.

Simulate a decline

To simulate a card decline, use this card with a transaction amount of $0.20 (20 cents) in the request. You can use any future date for the expiration date.

Payment MethodTest DataCVV

Using this test card repeatedly in a short period can sometimes cause it to be blocked. As a best practice, Payabli recommends adhering to the fraud control limits. If you have specific questions about limits in your sandbox account, contact your Payabli Solution Engineer.

The request should return a decline response like this:

    "responseText": "Declined",
    "isSuccess": false,
    "pageIdentifier": null,
    "responseData": {
        "authCode": null,
        "referenceId": "124-d541b0a9d1774bf3871f1d967abaaaaaa",
        "resultCode": 2,
        "resultText": "201: Do not honor. The customer’s issuing bank is unwilling to accept the transaction.. DECLINED",
        "avsResponseText": null,
        "cvvResponseText": null,
        "customerId": 12345,
        "methodReferenceId": null

Reach out your Payabli Solution Engineer with any questions or issues related to testing declines.