Get Details for Processed Transaction
Retrieve a processed transaction’s details.
Most endpoints require an organization
token. Some endpoints require an application
token, and those endpoints are noted.
Path Parameters
ReferenceId for the transaction (PaymentId).
Batch amount.
Batch number.
Service Fee or sub-charge transaction associated to the main transaction.
Connector used for transaction.
Identifier of registered cloud device used in the transaction.
If applicable, the internal reference ID to the payment page capturing the payment.
Processor information, used for troubleshooting and reporting. This field contains a value when the API key used to make the request has management permissions.
Service fee or sub-charge applied.
Internal identifier used for processing.
Payment method used: card, ach, or wallet.
Net amount paid.
The transaction's operation.
Custom identifier for the transaction.
ID of immediate parent organization.
The name of the parent organization.
Unique Transaction ID.
Unique ID for customer linked to the transaction.
Paypoint's DBA name.
Paypoint's entryname.
InternalId for paypoint.
Paypoint's legal name.
The difference between the configured pass-through fee and the fee amount sent in the request. When transfering funds, Payabli uses this field to deduct the fee difference and transfer the correct amount to the merchant.
When a paypoint is set up to absorb fees, and the pass-through fee sent with the request is less than the configured amount, the difference must be covered by the merchant. See Fee Configuration to learn more about pass-through fee settings.
Identifier of refund transaction linked to this payment.
The transaction's response data.
Identifier of return/chargeback transaction linked to this payment.
Reference to the subscription that originated the transaction.
Custom identifier to indicate the transaction or request source.
Split funding instructions for the transaction. The total amount of the splits must match the total amount of the transaction.
Transaction total amount (including service fee or sub-charge)
Events associated with this transaction.
Transaction date and time, in UTC.
Not currently in use.
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