Reporting Endpoints
See the API references for the Payabli reporting endpoints
Although the PartnerHub and PayHub reporting tools allow partners and merchants to view reports, the reporting APIs offer more flexibility. For example,you may need to send daily settlement reporting details to their customers via an internal tool. Use the Payabli reporting APIs to get the data you need in the format you need it in.
The query API allows you to retrieve records related to various objects in Payabli, like customers, vendors, batches, transactions, and more.
The statistics API allows you to retrieve aggregated statistics for a certain period and mode, like total money out transactions, total money in transactions, number of new customers, total volume, and more.
The export API allows you to export a filtered list of records in CSV or XLSX file format. You can export things like lists of customers, vendors, boarding applications, payouts, and more.
This page lists the query, stats, and export endpoints.
Query endpoints
Get list of transactions for an entrypoint
Get list of transactions for an organization
Get list of batches for an entrypoint
Get list of batches for an organization
Get list of MoneyOut batches for an entrypoint
Get list of MoneyOut batches for an organization
Get list of subscriptions for an entrypoint
Get list of subscriptions for an organization
Get list of settled transactions for an entrypoint
Get list of settled transactions for an organization
Get list of chargebacks and returned transactions for an entrypoint
Get list of chargebacks and returned transactions for an organization
Get list of customers for an entrypoint
Get list of customers for an organization
Get list of users for Paypoint
Get list of users for an organization
Get list of organizations for a parent
Get list of Paypoints for an organization
Get list of notifications for an entrypoint
Get list of notifications for organization
Get list of reports generated in last 60 days for entrypoint
Get list of reports generated in last 60 days for organization
Get list of vendors for entrypoint
Get list of vendors for organization
Get list of virtual cards for entrypoint
Get list of virtual cards for organization
Get list of payouts for entrypoint
Get list of payouts for organization
Get list of items for entrypoint
Get list of invoices for an entrypoint
Get list of invoices for an organization
Statistic endpoints
Get basic statistics for a Paypoint or organization
Get basic statistics for a vendor
Export endpoints
Export list of transactions for entrypoint
Export list of transactions for an organization
Export list of batches for entrypoint
Export list of batches for organization
Export list of subscriptions for an entrypoint
Export list of subscriptions for an organization
Export list of settled transactions for entrypoint
Export list of settled transactions for organization
Export list of transfer details
Export list of chargebacks and returned transactions for entrypoint
Export list of chargebacks and returned transactions for an organization
Export list of customers for entrypoint
Export list of customers for organization
Export list of child organization for a parent organization
Export list of boarding applications for organization
Export list of Paypoints in an organization
Export list of invoices for an entrypoint
Export list of invoices for an organization
Export vendors for an entrypoint
Export vendors for an organization
Export list of bills for an entrypoint
Export list of bills for organization
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