VendorData Object Model
Object model for the VendorData object
Custom dictionary of key:value pairs. You can use this field to store any data related to the object or for your system. Example usage:
"additionalData": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
Vendor's address
Additional line for vendor's address.
Object containing vendor's bank information.
Vendor's city.
Array of objects describing the vendor's contacts.
Vendor's country.
Account number of paypoint in the vendor side.
EIN/Tax ID for vendor.
Vendor's email address. Required for vCard.
Internal identifier for global vendor account.
Additional location code used to identify the vendor.
Business Merchant Category Code (MCC). This resource lists MCC codes.
Primary name for vendor. Required for new vendor.
Secondary name for vendor.
Alternative name used to receive paper check.
Alternative name used to receive paper check.
Object containing details about the payment method to use for the payout.
Vendor's phone number. Phone number can't contain non-digit characters like hyphens or parentheses.
Remittance address. Used for mailing paper checks.
Remittance address additional line. Used for mailing paper checks.
Remittance address city. Used for mailing paper checks.
Remittance address country. Used for mailing paper checks.
Remittance address state. Used for mailing paper checks.
Remittance address ZIP code. Used for mailing paper checks.
Vendor's state. Must be a 2 character state code.
Custom number identifying the vendor. Must be unique in paypoint.
Vendor's status. Allowed status:
0 Inactive
1 Active
Vendor's zip code.
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