You can manage Apple Pay payment method domains and settings via the Payabli APIs.

Domain management

Add a domain

Send a POST request to /api/PaymentMethodDomain to add more domains to an organization.

Cascade domain

Send a POST request to /api/PaymentMethodDomain/{domainId}/cascade to cascade the domain to all of the organization’s children (both suborganizations and paypoints).

Stop accepting Apple Pay

To stop accepting Apple Pay from a domain, send a PATCH request to /api/PaymentMethodDomain/{domainId} and send applePay.isEnabled as false.

curl --request PATCH \
  --url{domainId} \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'requestToken: <api-key>' \
  --data '{
  "applePay": {
    "isEnabled": false

You can’t deactivate an inherited domain. You must deactivate domains at the domain owner organization’s level.

Start accepting Apple Pay

To start accepting Apple Pay on a domain, send a POST request to /api/PaymentMethodDomain/{domainId}/verify to verify the domain. If verification succeeds, Apple Pay is activated automatically for the domain.

You can’t verify an inherited domain. You must verify domains at the domain owner organization’s level.

View domain details

To view a domain’s details, send a GET request to /api/PaymentMethodDomain/{domainId} retrieve a domain’s details. The response includes cascades.jobStatus, which gives the status of the domain cascade process.

Delete domain

You can remove a domain from an organization by sending a DELETE request to the /PaymentMethodDomain/{domainId} endpoint.

You can’t delete an inherited domain. You must delete a domain at the owning organization’s level.

Get list of domains

To get a list of domains associated with an entity, send a POST request to the /PaymentMethodDomain/list endpoint.

  • Send entityType as organization and the organization ID in entityId to get the details for the organization.
  • Send entityType as paypoint and the paypoint’s entryname in entityId to get the details for the paypoint.

Apple Pay service management

Activate Apple Pay

To activate Apple Pay via the API, see Activate Apple Pay (API).

Deactivate Apple Pay

To deactivate the Apple Pay service, make a POST request to the /Wallet/applepay/configure-organization.

In the body, send isEnabled as false and cascade as true to deactivate Apple Pay on the organization and cascade the deactivation to all of the organization’s children.

Example deactivation request
  curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'requestToken: <api-key>' \
    --data '{
    "orgId": 123,
    "isEnabled": false,
    "cascade": true

After you’ve sent the deactivation request, Payabli deactivates the service and cascades the settings, if applicable. This can take a few minutes, depending on how your entities are structured.

To check whether Apple Pay is deactivated, send a GET request to /api/Organization/settings/. Check the response for forWallets, when Apple Pay isn’t active, you can see the following in the response:

 "forWallets": [
      "key": "IsApplePayEnabled",
      "value": "false",
      "readOnly": true