Pay In Transaction Lifecycle
Learn about the Pay In transaction lifecycle and its stages and statuses
Because each money in transaction involves several parallel processes, Payabli provides different statuses you can track. This lets you monitor both the synchronous and asynchronous activities that a transaction is involved with.
This flowchart gives a high-level overview of how the statuses all fit together.
The following example showcases how the different money in statuses give a comprehensive view of an ideal transaction’s lifecycle, from initial sale to final settlement.
Making the transaction
A customer logs into the payment portal and submits their payment. The payment method is verified, and the transaction is authorized, meaning the funds are recognized but not yet taken. The TransStatus is Authorized (11).
The merchant captures the transaction, and the card is charged. The transaction status changes to Captured (1), securing the funds for the transaction.
The transaction status is considered final after the batch closes, and the TransStatus won’t change from Captured (1) except in rare circumstances. Now, the focus shifts to tracking other statuses.
TransStatus: 11
BatchStatus: 0
SettlementStatus: 0
TransStatus: 1
BatchStatus: 0
SettlementStatus: 0
Batching transactions for processing
The payment, along with others submitted that day, are grouped into a batch for processing, and the BatchStatus is Open (0). At this stage, TransferStatus is Pending (0).
At the cutoff time, the batch that contains the payment is closed and the BatchStatus changes to Closed (1). The batched transactions are verified, and are prepared for the next steps. TransferStatus and the transaction’s SettlementStatus should now both be In Transit (1).
BatchStatus: 0
TransferStatus: 0
TransStatus: 1
SettlementStatus: 0
BatchStatus: 1
TransferStatus: 1
TransStatus: 1
SettlementStatus: 1
Moving the money
The transfer process starts, with funds leaving the payment processor’s account and heading to the recipient’s account. The TransferStatus and the transaction’s SettlementStatus both change to Transferred (2).
When the funds are deposited into the recipient’s account, the TransferStatus and the SettlementStatus both change to Funded (3).
Once a payment reaches the ‘transferred’ status, you can typically expect the funds to appear in your bank account within 1-2 business days.
TransferStatus: 2
BatchStatus: 1
TransStatus: 1
SettlementStatus: 2
TransferStatus: 3
BatchStatus: 1
TransStatus: 1
SettlementStatus: 3
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