
These are the available boarding status values. The Key column contains the status code returned by the API.

Not Submitted-99The application is incomplete or hasn’t been submitted yet.
Declined0The application has been declined.
Pending Signature2The application is waiting on the applicant’s signature.
Underwriting3The application is in underwriting.
Submitted4The application is complete and submitted, but hasn’t moved to underwriting yet.
Manual Review6The application is in underwriting and requires further review.
Approved7The application has been approved and is queued for boarding.
Withdrawn8The applicant has voluntarily withdrawn their application.
Boarding10The application is boarding with our service providers, banks, and Payabli.
Activated99The paypoint has been created, and all configurations have been completed, but the paypoint hasn’t processed a transaction yet.
Live100The paypoint has successfully processed a pay in or pay out transaction.
Exception Error-1An unidentified error has occurred with this application. Contact support to review.


Some statuses have substatuses to give you more information about where an application is in the process.

Manual Review substatus

These statuses may appear when an application is in the Manual Review (6) status. The Key column contains the status code returned by the API.

Pending Review1The application was flagged during underwriting and is waiting on manual review.
Pending Documentation2The reviewer has requested additional documents from the applicant or org.
Pending Action3An additional task has been requested from the applicant or org.
Missing Data4The application needs additional data to complete underwriting.

Boarding substatus

These statuses may appear when a merchant is in the Boarding (10) status. The Key column contains the status code returned by the API.

ServiceProvider Review5The application was submitted to service provider for review, validation, and boarding.
ServiceProvider Processing6The application is processing and waiting on final results.
ServiceProvider Hold7The service provider requires additional information or a correction from the applicant, org, or Payabli.
Pending Configuration8The paypoint has been created and is waiting on configuration and activation.

Declined substatus

These substatuses may appear when an application has a Declined status (0). The Key column contains the status code returned by the API.

Standard Decline9The application has been declined for a reason. The reason is provided in the status text.
Credit Decline10The application has been declined for a reason. The reason is provided in the status text.