Payment response codes and messages vary by payment type.

These codes don’t cover general API errors. See API responseCode and resultCode Reference for API-specific responses.

ACH response codes

Response codeNameDescription
100Transaction was approved.The transaction is approved.
200Transaction was declined by processor.The customer’s bank doesn’t accept the transaction. The reasons for this response vary. The customer must contact their bank for more details.
300Transaction was rejected by gateway.The payment gateway has rejected the transaction. This can be due to different factors such as, incomplete transaction data, configuration or technical problems, fraud detection, or payment gateway restrictions.
600Configuration error.

Card response codes

Each card brand has a limited list of decline reasons that a bank can use to decline a card. Banks choose decline messages, and because of the limited list of decline reasons the card brands allow, decline messages might not be clear at first.

100 codes

Response codeNameDescription
100Transaction was approved.The transaction is approved.

200 codes

Response codeNameDescription
200Transaction was declined by processor.The customer’s bank doesn’t accept the transaction. The reasons for this response vary. The customer must contact their bank for more details.
201Do not honor.The customer’s bank doesn’t accept the transaction. The customer must contact their bank for more details.
202Insufficient funds.At the time of the transaction, the account didn’t have the funds to cover the transaction amount.
203Over limit.The transaction exceeds the withdrawal limit of the account. The customer must contact their bank to change the account limits or use a different payment method.
204Transaction not allowed.The customer’s bank is declining the transaction for unspecified reasons. The customer must contact their bank or use a different payment method.
220Incorrect payment information.The transaction is restricted or not allowed. This can be due to restricted transaction types like gambling-related transactions or cash advances, country or regional restrictions, or merchant account restrictions.
221No such card issuer.This decline code could indicate that the submitted card number does not correlate to an existing issuing bank or that there is a connectivity error with the issuer. The customer must contact their bank for more information.
222No card number on file with issuer.The submitted card number is not on file with the card-issuing bank. The customer will need to contact their bank.
223Expired card.The card is expired. The customer will need to use a different payment method. Note: sometimes a card that has been reported lost or stolen is marked by the bank as expired.
224Invalid expiration date.The customer entered an invalid payment method or made a typo in the card expiration date. Correct the payment information and attempt the transaction again. If the issue persists, the customer must contact their bank.
225Invalid card security code.The customer entered in an invalid security code or made a typo in their card information. Attempt the transaction again. If the issue persists, the customer must contact their bank.
226Invalid PINThe PIN is invalid or missing.
240Call issuer for further information.This sometimes means that additional verification is needed or that there is a problem with the cardholder’s account. The cardholder must contact the bank.
250Pick up card.The customer’s card has been reported as lost or stolen by the cardholder and the issuing bank has requested that merchants keep the card and call the number on the back to report it. As an online merchant, you don’t have the physical card and can’t complete this request. Instead, obtain a different payment method from the customer.
251Lost card.The card used has been reported as lost. The customer must contact their bank for more information.
252Stolen card.The card used has likely been reported as stolen. The customer must contact their bank for more information.
253Fraudulent card.The customer’s bank suspects fraud. The customer must contact their bank for more information.

300 codes

Response codeNameDescription
300Transaction was rejected by gateway.The payment gateway has rejected the transaction. This can be due to different factors such as incomplete transaction data, configuration or technical problems, fraud detection, or payment gateway restrictions.

400 codes

Response codeNameDescription
400Transaction error returned by processor.The transaction couldn’t be completed because of an issue with the processor’s system.
410Invalid merchant configuration.There was a problem with the merchant’s account or settings with the processor’s system.
420Communication error.There was an issue communicating.
421Communication error with issuer.There was an issue communicating with the card issuer.
440Processor format error.This error typically occurs when the transaction data provided by the merchant isn’t in the format or structure expected by the payment processor.
441Invalid transaction information.The transaction data is incorrect, incomplete, or doesn’t meet requirements.
460Processor feature not available.The specific functionality requested by the merchant is not supported or enabled by the payment processor.

500 codes

Response codeNameDescription
500An error occurred while sending the request.An error occurred when transmitting the request.
500Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).This usually means the server understood the request, but rejected it because of access limitations.
500The request was canceled due to the configured HttpClient. Timeout of 100 seconds elapsing.The request timed out.
500Host Auth initialization declined.
500Resource temporarily unavailable.
500Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
500Response status code does not indicate success: 502 (Bad Gateway).
500Response status code does not indicate success: 503 (Service Unavailable).
500Response status code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Time-out).
500The given key ‘orderid’ was not present in the dictionary.
500An error occurred while sending the request.An error occurred when transmitting the request.

600 codes

Response codeNameDescription
611The request was canceled due to the configured HttpClient.Timeout of 30 seconds elapsing.. ExceptionThe call to the paypoint’s processor didn’t provide response in the time alloted. Contact Payabli support for an assessment of the final state of this transaction.

800 codes

Response codeNameDescription
801Referral B – Contact Authorization Center. Usually treated as a standard decline for Ecommerce systems, the transaction can still be processed using a Manual request once an authorization code is obtained.Have the customer contact their issuer through the support phone number on the back of the card.
802Possible Duplicate Request.Contact Payabli or org to check requests to see if multiple transactions were submitted. Customer should check their card issuer statement to see if there is already a transaction request for the same details in a recent time window.
803Duplicate Request (Reversed previously).Contact Payabli or org to check requests to see if multiple transactions were submitted. Customer should check their card issuer statement to see if there is already a transaction request for the same details in a recent time window.
804Duplicate Request (Declined previously).Contact Payabli or org to check requests to see if multiple transactions were submitted. Customer should check their card issuer statement to see if there is already a transaction request for the same details in a recent time window.
805Transaction could not be refunded due to current transaction state.The transaction is processing. You can try to void it, or wait a day and retry the request for refund.
806Direct deposit account not specified.
807Customer requested stop to recurring payment.Don’t reattempt the transaction. Payabli recommends removing saved payment method if applicable.
808Honor with ID only. Only honor the card with verification of card holder’s ID. Use <status> for absolute determination of transaction state.
809Unpaid items on customer account.
812Transaction Already Refunded. The transaction has already been refunded and cannot be refunded again.Contact Payabli or org to check requests to see if multiple transactions were submitted. Customer should check their card issuer statement to see if there is already a transaction request for the same details in a recent time window.
813Invalid amount.Review the request amount to make sure it’s correct. No letters, spaces, or special characters are allowed in this field.
814Invalid card number. The card number that was entered is not valid. Verify the card number and re-enter.Verify the card number and retry.
815Invalid SEC code. Verify that the value <StandardEntryClassCode /> is valid. Cannot exceed 3 characters. Valid values are: CCD, PPD.Review the requested SEC code and retry the transaction with a correct value.
817Refund error.Retry the the transaction. If follow up requests fail, contact the issuer and review.
818Modify Transaction Not Allowed.The transaction has already processed and can’t be adjusted. Either refund or void the transaction and run a new transaction with the correct details.
819Boarded Incorrectly. Often something wrong with the merchant’s address.Contact Payabli to verify that merchant business address, owner address city, state and ZIP are correct per the USPS.
820Invalid fee.
821Unable to back out transaction.
822Unable to contact issuing bank. Try Again Suspected malfunction. The issuing bank could not be contacted or is not responding during the transaction. The cardholder should check the card information and try processing again.Retry the transaction. If follow up requests fail, contact the issuer and review.
823Reversal Not Allowed.
824Return Not Allowed.
826Invalid terminal.
827Re-enter transaction.Retry the transaction. If follow up requests fail, contact the issuer and review.
828Invalid transaction. Verify that the credit card information is input correctly and run the transaction again.Retry the transaction. If follow up requests fail, contact the issuer and review.
830Host Auth initialization declined.Retry the transaction. If follow up requests fail, contact the issuer and review.
831ACH Decline. ACH Risk Decline: A payment cannot be taken from this bank account as it has been flagged as high risk.Provide an alternative bank account that is not flagged as high risk.
832Invalid From Account.Review the customer’s account number details and make sure it doesn’t contain special characters, spaces, or other non-number characters.
834Transaction cancelled. Fraud concern.Contact Payabli Support to investigate this transaction.
835Time limit for Pre - Auth reached.The pre-authorized transaction has expired. Run a sale or another authorization request to continue.
836Billing ZIP Mismatch.Contact Payabli Support to investigate this transaction.
838Check Digit Error.
839General CardAuth Decline.Card was declined, contact issuer for additional details or try with another form of payment.
840Transaction error returned by processor.Invalid Card.
842Surcharge not supported by issuer of this card.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact issuer for details.
843Card type verification error.
845Ineligible for resubmission.
846Closed Account.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact issuer for details.
847AVS Referral.Have the customer review their billing address details for accuracy, use another form of payment, or contact their issuer. Then retry.
848Invalid card holder name. The card holder name is invalid.Review the cardholder name. Special characters and numbers aren’t allowed in this field.
849Transaction amount exceeds preauthorized approval amount.Void the initial authorization and retry the sale with the full amount on a new authorization.
850AVS or CVV failed.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
851No such account. No checking account.
852No such account. No savings account.
853Bank does not allow this type of purchase. The card-issuing bank does not allow this type of purchase on the card. The card holder will need to call the number on the back of the card for more information.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
854Credit card network does not allow this purchase. The credit card brand does not allow this kind of purchase(based on the type of terminal used).Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
855Credit card network does not allow this purchase. The credit card brand does not allow this kind of purchase(based on the type of merchant you are).Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
856Issuer does not allow this card to be charged for your business.The card cannot be used to purchase from your business. The credit card company does not allow purchases from your business type for this card.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
857Security Violation.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
858Activity limit exceeded.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
859PIN attempts exceeded.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
860CID Format error.Verify the CVV/CID information entered and retry.
861Unable to locate account.
862Account not recognized.
863Cryptographic error.Retry the payment. If the error continues, contact Payabli Support.
864Cannot verify the PIN.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
865Card okay on verification request. Can all in for manual approval and enter auth code if your system allows.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
866Issuer or switch unavailable.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
867Unable to route transaction.Retry the payment. If the error continues, contact Payabli Support.
868Cannot complete transaction. The transaction cannot be completed. The customer will need to call the number on the back of the card to determine the issue.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
869Misc. Error Transaction failure. May be due to input data. See details of <Response> tag.
870Issuer system malfunction or timeout.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
872Failure HV Merchant boarding configuration error.
873Generic decline or unable to parse issuer response code. Additional data may be returned in the <Response> tag for International merchant.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
874Card Authentication failed.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
875Stop Payment Order.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
876Revoke Auth. Revoke authorization for further payments.Have the customer use another form of payment or contact their issuer.
877Cancel Payment. Cancel all recurring payments for the card number in the request.
878Host connectivity failed.Retry the payment. If the error continues, contact Payabli Support.
879Transaction aborted.Retry the payment. If the error continues, contact Payabli Support.

Cloud response codes

Response codeNameDescription
100Transaction was approved.The transaction was approved.
200Transaction was declined by processor.The customer’s bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. The reasons for this response vary. The customer must contact their bank for more details.
300Transaction was rejected by gateway.The payment gateway has rejected the transaction. This can be due to different factors, such as: incomplete transaction data, configuration or technical problems, fraud detection, or payment gateway restrictions.
500An error occurred while sending the request.An error occurred when transmitting the request.

AVS Codes

AVS (Address Verification System) is a system used to verify the billing address of a person using a credit card to help reduce fraud. When a customer makes a purchase, the merchant can check the billing address given against the address on file with the card issuer. AVS codes indicate the degree of match between the address provided by the customer and the address on file with the card issuer.

These are returned as avsResponseText in many API responses related to Pay In transactions.

XExact match, Street address and 9-digit ZIP code both matchThe street address and 9-digit ZIP code both match the information on file with the card issuer. This is the highest level of address verification.
YExact match, Street address and 5-digit ZIP code both matchThe street address and 5-digit ZIP code both match the information on file with the card issuer. This is a strong indicator of a valid address.
DExact match, Street address and 9-digit ZIP code both matchSame as ‘X’. The street address and 9-digit ZIP code both match. Some systems use different codes for the same result.
MExact match, Street address and 5-digit ZIP code both matchSame as ‘Y’. The street address and 5-digit ZIP code both match.
APartial Match, Street address matches, but both 5-digit and 9-digit ZIP code do not matchThe street address matches, but neither the 5-digit nor 9-digit ZIP code matches. This could be due to a recent move or a ZIP code entry error.
BPartial Match, Street address matches, but both 5-digit and 9-digit ZIP code do not matchSame as ‘A’. The street address matches, but ZIP codes don’t.
WPartial Match, Street address does not match, but 9-digit ZIP code matchesThe 9-digit ZIP code matches, but the street address doesn’t. This could indicate an error in the street address entry.
ZPartial Match, Street address does not match, but 5-digit ZIP code matchesThe 5-digit ZIP code matches, but the street address doesn’t.
PPartial Match, Street address does not match, but 9-digit ZIP code matchesSame as ‘W’. The 9-digit ZIP code matches, but the street address doesn’t.
LPartial Match, Street address does not match, but 5-digit ZIP code matchesSame as ‘Z’. The 5-digit ZIP code matches, but the street address doesn’t.
NNo Match, No address or ZIP matchNeither the address nor ZIP code matches the information on file.
INo Match, No address or ZIP matchSame as ‘N’. No match for address or ZIP code.
CPartial Match, Street address does not match, but 5-digit ZIP code matchesSame as ‘Z’ and ‘L’. The 5-digit ZIP code matches, but the street address doesn’t.
UAddress information unavailableThe card issuer’s system is unable to verify the address. This might occur with new accounts or international cards.
GAddress information unavailableSame as ‘U’. Address information isn’t available.
RIssuer system unavailable or timed outThe card issuer’s system is temporarily unavailable or has timed out while trying to verify the address.
EThe provided AVS data is invalid because of a formatting issue or AVS is not allowed for this card typeThere’s an issue with the format of the provided address data, or AVS isn’t supported for this particular card type.
SThe bank does not support AVSThe customer’s data can’t be verified because the bank doesn’t support the Address Verification System.
OAVS not availableSame as ‘0’. The AVS check isn’t available for this transaction.

CVV Codes

CVV (Card Verification Value) codes are a security feature used in credit and debit card transactions. It’s typically a 3 or 4-digit number printed on the card. CVV is used to verify that the person making a transaction, especially in card-not-present situations (like online purchases), physically possesses the card.

These are returned as cvvResponseText in many API responses related to Pay In transactions.

MCVV2/CVC2 matchThe CVV2 or CVC2 provided matches the one on file with the card issuer. This is the desired response and suggests that the person making the transaction has the physical card.
NCVV2/CVC2 no matchThe CVV2 or CVC2 provided doesn’t match the one on file with the card issuer.
PNot processed. Indicates that the expiration date was not provided with the request, or that the card does not have a valid CVV2 code. If the expiration date was not included with the request, resubmit the request with the expiration date.The CVV2 or CVC2 check wasn’t processed.
SIssuer indicates that CVV2 data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the data is not present on the cardThere isn’t a CVV2 or CVC2 present on the card.
UIssuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa encryption keysThe card issuer is unable to perform CVV2 or CVC2 verification.

General response codes

Response codeDescription
9999The transaction or action was declined due to a processor error. Try again later. If the issue persists, contact Customer Support.