Payabli has simplified the process of getting ready to accept Apple Pay. You don’t need to create your own Apple developer account, encryption keys, certificates, or merchant identifiers.

This page covers enabling and configuring Apple Pay from PartnerHub. For a deeper dive on Apple Pay and Payabli, see Apple Pay Overview

Enabling Apple Pay via the UI has several steps. You must add the domain, validate domain ownership, and activate the Apple Pay service for your org.

Add payment method domains

Payment method domains are the web domains where you can accept Apple Pay payments. Payabli needs to know which payment domains should accept Apple Pay payments to mitigate risk and make sure that transactions are coming from known websites. Managing your payment method domains involves configuring them in Payabli, and then verifying domain ownership with Apple.

Users with the Developer permission can add domains in PartnerHub. Note that during first-time setup, Apple Pay shows as “Inactive” with a default domain added by Payabli.

  1. In PartnerHub, navigate to Developer > Digital Wallets.
  2. Click Add Domains and follow the prompts to add and cascade domains.

You have the option to cascade domains. When you cascade a domain, all of the organization’s children, including suborganizations and paypoints, inherit the domain. This reduces future operational overhead by automatically adding verified domains to all new suborganizations and paypoints. Payabli strongly recommends cascading domains.

Payment method domain examples

The following example walks through the general structure of payment method domains.

Pretend that you own the domain, and you want to accept Apple Pay on a number of different pages on your various subdomains. You must set up payment method domains for each of your target domains and subdomains.

Page URLPayment Method Domain

Verify domain ownership

Before you can accept Apple Pay, you must verify your ownership of a payment method domain using something called a domain-verification file. This process has two main steps: get the file, and host the file on your domain.


Download the domain-verification file

You must download the domain-verification file from these links. Choose the correct file for your Payabli environment.


Host the file on target domains

After you’ve downloaded your domain-verification file, you need to host it on the path /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association for each the domains you want to use to accept Apple Pay.

For example:


Payabli automatically checks for the domain-verification file. If verification succeeds, the domain is activated in Payabli. If verification fails, the domain is added but remains inactive. You can verify the domain later.

Activate Apple Pay

After you’ve verified and cascaded your domains, you’re ready to activate Apple Pay at the organization level.

  1. In PartnerHub, navigate to Developer > Digital Wallets.
  2. Click Activate Service.

When you activate the service, Payabli runs several checks on your domains and settings:

  • If there are any domains that failed to cascade, you must try cascade the domain again before Apple Pay is activated.
  • If there is any domain for which the cascade process hasn’t finished, you need to wait until it’s finished and try to activate the service again.
  • Payabli warns you about any domains that aren’t cascaded. Payabli recommends that you cascade domains for ease of operations, but you can ignore this warning and activate Apple Pay without cascading.

After you activate Apple Pay at the organization level and cascade the settings, existing paypoints can immediately accept Apple Pay payments. New paypoints are automatically enabled.